Book Club Questions

The character that I’ve liked the best so far is Nate from “ One of us is back.” My reason for this is because I feel like I’m able to relate to how he feels throughout the book and like he’d give anything up to save someone he cares about.  My least favorite character is probably Owen, because it seems like the way the author has written him is very violent.

The book striked me as original in a way. The book is based mainly on “ The Breakfast Club.” Yet the author changed A LOT of things. Mainly because it is centered more around a murder mystery, going through the life struggles of teens.

One of my friends, Maggie, enjoys romance books and so do I. Though this story isn’t a romance book technically, it talks about and goes through the struggles of relationships of teens, and friends. I think she’d enjoy reading this story.

If I had to trade places with any of the characters, it’d probably be Maeve. Though she isn’t my favorite character, she’s one of the smartest. I would like to see how it would be to live a day in her life, being the youngest, yet the smartest of the group.

I feel like I relate to Phoebe the most. When she went to a questioning meeting with a prisoner, who happened to be her friends ex, she was spotted by the friend on tv. Everyone was angry at her, even though she just wanted to make sure her friend was protected from the prisoner. I can relate to this because I feel like I get into misunderstandings with my friends often.

Reading this book has impacted my mood from time to time. When reading, and it’s timed reading and we have to stop, I sometimes zone out a lot when talking to people throughout the day because I’m just making theories inside my head.

I absolutely love the writing of this book. I’ve been learning new words practically everyday while reading, and I love how the author can describe exactly how a character feels at the moment. I also love how she describes the setting, it really helps me imagine how the scene looks, and feel how the character feels.

Book Club Update

!Spoilers for the book “One of us is back”!

I started on page 140, and ended on 158 today. In the chapter I started today, Nate is met with an “old friend” Jake at work. Nate ends up becoming infuriated from Jake making him feel guilty. Nate leaves before he can harm anyone, and shakes it off for dinner with his girlfriend. When she doesn’t reply to calls or messages, everyone assumes the worst. They end up going on a short trip to see if Jake had kidnapped her like they thought he had done to Phoebe. Though Browyn was fine, what is Jake planning? We’ll see later on.